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About Us


What to expect

When you come expect to feel the love of God and His power. Anticipate a supernatural experience of wisdom, grace, and family. You will feel right at home as you engage with our community, empowering individuals, families, communities, and cities.


Core Values


We will love God with all of our hearts, soul and mind and our neighbors as ourselves, and to do good to those that despitefully use us.


We will adhere to the Word of God as the standard of truth in our doctrine, teaching and conduct.


We will prove ourselves faithful even as He who has called is faithful. We will demonstrate faithfulness in our attendance, in our service to the house of God, in our giving, and in our love toward one another.


We will seek excellence (highest measure of quality) in all our endeavors and we are committed to continuous improvement.


We will be committed to principles of truth and honesty, and we will be equitable, ethical, and professional in our conduct at all times.



We will remember that we were saved by grace through faith and not by our works and will practice forbearance and forgiveness.


We believe that serving is a noble, worthy and Godly pursuit and that opportunities to serve should be sought after.

Intimacy with God

Our relationship with God will extend beyond corporate worship. We must foster a relationship with God that is individual, private and personal, so that we might be called ‘a friend of God’.



We will be dedicated to the efficient and effective safe-guarding of all that God has entrusted to our keeping and to keeping a commitment to give and invest.

Exalting God in Worship

We will create an atmosphere of worship through the giving of thanks and the expression of praise to enter into the ‘experience’ of God’s very presence. 

A Heart for the Lost 

We will have compassion on those that have no knowledge of God and will actively seek to bring them into God’s plan of salvation and recover and restore those that have fallen away from the faith.


We will follow peace with all men and exhibit the peace that passes all understanding through Jesus Christ.



To love God and Others while, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in the most Loving and Caring way possible 


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” St. John 3:16 
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